Preventive dental care is important throughout your life, no matter your age. By practicing good oral hygiene at home and scheduling regular checkups with your dentist, you can help keep your smile bright and healthy for many years to come. If it's been six months since your last dental checkup, then it's time to contact our practice and schedule your next appointment.
Let us help you achieve your smile goals! Cosmetic dentistry is different from general dental care; it is both an art and science. Using cutting-edge techniques and advanced materials, our office proudly offers you a beautiful, natural smile with veneers, crowns, in-lays, on-lays and all the benefits that come with it.
Type A botulinum toxin strain was approved by FDA in 1989 under the name Botox for the treatment of spasms. Approval for the treatment of cervical dystonia and glabellar lines followed. Today Botox is used not only for smoothening wrinkles but also in case of temporomandibular joint disorders, tension-type headaches, bruxism, excessive gingival display, orthodontic relapse due to severe muscle movement, sialorrhea, trigeminal neuralgia, and hemifacial spasms (and oromandibular pain).
Intraoral Care
While X-rays provide valuable information, the use of an intraoral camera, we can see every aspect of your teeth and mouth with incredible detail, uncovering cracked teeth, plaque deposits, cavities next to fillings, and excessive wear. With early discovery, your treatment is less invasive and cost effective.
A child’s first visit to the dentist should be enjoyable. Our office makes a special effort to use pleasant, non-frightening, simple words to describe each treatment. We want you and your child to feel at ease from the moment your family arrives at our office.
There’s never been a better time to straighten your teeth. Our office is proud to be a certified provider of Invisalign clear aligners, which give you a clear, convenient, and comfortable option to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.
Chronic facial and neck pain as well as recurring headaches are, in some cases, due to Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). Your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) connect your lower jawbone to your skull. These joints get a lot of daily wear & tear causing pain and restricted movement. A consultation can help you towards a pain free life.
Teeth Whitening
There are many products and techniques available for patients who want to achieve a brighter smile, The best way to begin any teeth-whitening regimen is to schedule an appointment and talk to your doctor about the differences between in-office professional whitening and take-home whitening.
Sports Dentistry
Sports dentistry is the prevention and treatment of dental injuries and related oral diseases in athletes of all ages. It is important to protect you or your child's smile by ensuring a trip to the dentist at the right time.

A family dental practice providing dental care, to the people of greater Vancouver area, for over thirty years.


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