Research & Teaching

Dr Sabeen Tiwana is an accomplished researcher in equity, diversity, and inclusion and has dedicated her academic career to studying the complex intersections of race, gender and privilege in academic disciplines.

Dr Tiwana holds a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from Demonte University, Lahore (PAK) and a Doctorate in Dental Surgery (DDS) from TUFTS University, Boston (MA) where she specialized in personalized and culturally competent patient care. Drawing on her own experience as a female, immigrant, and person of color she sought to understand the intersectional impact of these social identities through a faculty and student perspective in academic institutions.

Dr Tiwana’s research has been published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Women and Health, and the Journal of Surgical Research. She has collaborated with reputable scholars across the globe and her work has been extensively cited.

In addition to her research, Dr Tiwana has delivered seminars and workshops on implicit bias, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and the impact of pre-existing inequities on marginalized populations. Dr Tiwana is also committed to mentoring and supporting underrepresented students and scholars. She serves as a mentor to countless high school, undergraduate, and graduate students from underrepresented and minority groups.

Overall, Dr Sabeen Tiwana’s research, teaching, and service reflect her unwavering commitment to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion. Her work has had a significant impact and continues to inspire new generations of scholars to push the boundaries of knowledge and understanding in this important discipline.

In keeping with her dedication, Dr Tiwana is also a part time instructor at University of British Columbia. Dr Tiwana teaches the dental students in the clinics when they are operating on patients.

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